April 06, 2004

Scotsman.com - Saddam did have WMD plans says inspector

SADDAM Hussein had the ability to unleash biological and chemical weapons "at short notice" on foreign nations, according to a potentially explosive new report by inspectors.

The leaked document, written by Charles Duelfer, the new director of the Iraq Survey group, concludes that hard evidence does exist that Saddam had the ability to wreak terror with the weaponry.

Furthermore, there was evidence that he was plotting to expand his facilities last year, prior to the invasion of British and American troops.


Duelfer’s report provides what he calls "new information" on Saddam’s military build-up. "Iraq did have facilities suitable for the production of biological and chemical agents needed for weapons. It had plans to improve and expand and even build new facilities," he says in the report, seen by Scotland on Sunday.

Duelfer says he has fresh evidence that long-range ballistic missiles were being tested. He also reveals evidence from a research centre in Iraq where scientists were found to have been apparently testing commercial biopesticide, which can be used as anthrax.


In the report, which has been sent to the US Congress, Duelfer admits that the task of the ISG team is made difficult by the reluctance of former government officials to explain their role in developing weaponry.

"There is a fear former regime supporters would exact retribution," Duelfer reports. Nevertheless, the group continued to receive "intriguing" reportsabout concealed caches.