January 26, 2004

Slate: Why Didn't Kerry Speak Out? - When Bush broke those Iraq "promises" By Mickey Kaus

Kaus on Kerry
Kerry's Justifications, Part II

In case you have missed it, Kerry explains his vote this way:
"I voted to give the authority to the president to use force under a set of promises by the president as to how he would do it: build a legitimate international coalition, exhaust the remedies of the United Nations, and go to war as a last resort. He broke every single one of those promises."
"And that's why I'm the best candidate to run against him and beat him, because I knew we had to hold Saddam Hussein accountable but I knew how to do it the right way. President Bush did it the wrong way."

and then...
"If he fails to do so," Senator Kerry continued, "I will be the first to speak out."

"Senator Kerry broke that promise ... In the crucial days after the president withdrew his efforts to gain United Nations support for his war and before the president launched his invasion, Senator Kerry remained silent. The president had, indeed, failed to build an international coalition, and yet the senator did not speak out."