January 26, 2004
FOXNews.com - Ex-Weapons Inspector Says U.S. Intelligence Failed
Kerry (D-MA) Steps Up To The Plate:
"[David Kay's comments confirm] what I have said for a long period of time, that we were misled — misled not only in the intelligence, but misled in the way that the president took us to war," Kerry said on "Fox News Sunday." "I think there's been an enormous amount of exaggeration, stretching, deception."
No Kidding, Senator?
The President went to war with your blessing, so let's find out why you voted to authorize military force in Iraq, Mr. Kerry:
1. "I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force — if necessary — to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
2. "I voted to hold Iraq accountable and hold Saddam Hussein accountable. That was the right vote for the defense of the United States of America."
3. "When I voted for the war, I voted for what I thought was best for the country."
4. "[My position] is absolutely consistent because what I voted for is to hold Saddam Hussein accountable -- but to do it right."
Why don't you get your own story straight first before you criticize others for "misleading the country into war," Mr. Senator.
Posted by
Mick Wright