"Saddam Hussein’s chemical and biological weapons were smuggled out of Iraq, a leading Syrian dissident claimed tonight. His weapons of mass destruction were hidden at three sites in Syria, said human rights campaigner Nijar Nijjof, who is now based in Paris. They were pin-pointed by a senior source inside Syrian Military Intelligence, Mr Nijjof told Channel Five News. The source revealed weapons were smuggled across the border in ambulances in the months before war, he said. “I knew this man during the last two years, he sent me much information,” said Mr Nijjof. “I discovered all his information was exactly 100% accurate or at least 90%.” The claims follow Syrian President Bashar Assad’s rejection of calls to renounce weapons of mass destruction in an interview published yesterday.
January 09, 2004
Scotsman.com: 'Saddam's Chemical Weapons Were Smuggled Out of Iraq' - By James Lyons
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Mick Wright