January 26, 2004
NY Times: White House to Review Prewar Intelligence on Iraqi Arms, by Brian Knowlton (International Herald Tribune)
To Syria or Not to Syria, That is the Question
Bush administration officials insisted today that the Iraq war was justified, but they promised further review of prewar intelligence after the outgoing chief American weapons inspector said that he was almost certain that Iraq had no significant banned weaponry before the war.
In interviews over the weekend, the lead inspector, David A. Kay, said that he did not believe that Iraq had significant biological, chemical or nuclear weapons in the days before the American-led invasion in March, and he did not believe that any such weapons had been shipped to Syria.
They blinded us... with SCIENCE!
"Weapons of mass destruction, including evil chemistry and evil biology, are all matters of great concern, not only to the United States but also to the world community," Mr. Ashcroft said. "They were the subject of U.N. resolutions."
Sure, he was evil in the past...
One international rights group, Human Rights Watch, said today that even though armed intervention could have been justified following Mr. Hussein's 1988 massacre of Kurds, the dictator's actions in recent years were not grievous enough to justify war.
"Brutal as Saddam Hussein's reign had been, the scope of the Iraq government's killing in March 2003 was not of the exceptional and dire magnitude that would justify humanitarian intervention," the group's head, Kenneth Roth, wrote.
He added: "The Bush administration cannot justify the war in Iraq as a humanitarian intervention, and neither can Tony Blair."
Posted by
Mick Wright