March 03, 2004

BBC - Al-Qaeda denial - statement excerpts

Al Qaeda denies having a role in the "anti-Shia explosions" in Iraq, with this letter:
The Americans are trying to attribute these actions to the mujahideen of al-Qaeda who have inflicted pain and suffering on the United States in Iraq and elsewhere. The United States wants to distort the image of the mujahideen.

And we are today telling all Muslims that we disassociate ourselves from this action and disassociate ourselves from what the Shia Muslims worship other than Allah.

So that our aims are clear to everyone, we are striking the American crusaders and their allies. We are striking the Iraqi police, the agents and lackeys of the United States and the club with which it is striking the mujahideen in Iraq.

We are striking the agents of the United States in the council of unbelief that is called the Governing Council and the Sunnis and Shias in their orbit.
The letter ends with:
Come on, rise with your brother mujahideen against the idol of the age, the United States...
My question is, does the BBC hope they succeed?