Get this: Iraq, they now say, had no weapons of mass destruction after 1994. You must look at this in a whole bunch of different ways but primarily, let's just take this as accurate for hypothetical purposes. That means that Bill Clinton's missile launch did not take out any WMDs as he hoped to get people to think when he made that statement not too long ago.
If Iraq hasn't had any WMD since 1994, you have a tough time laying this singularly at the feet of George W. Bush. Many people using the same intelligence Bush did, bought it and believed it, including Senator Kerry. Go back to 1998, as we've done over and over and the quotes are there - what Clinton said, what Daschle said, what Kerry said, everybody. They all voted for it anyway with Bush in the White House.
March 02, 2004
Limbaugh: Saddam Had WMDs, Where Are They?
Posted by
Mick Wright