March 17, 2004

Jonah Goldberg: Linking Al-Qaida and Iraq

A salient question:
As it becomes increasingly clear that al-Qaida was responsible for the horrific attacks in Madrid, one question keeps popping up: If there's no link between 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq, why did al-Qaida blow up those trains?
Howard Dean makes the same connection:
Former Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean said yesterday that President Bush's decision to send troops to Iraq appears to have contributed to the bombing deaths of 201 people in Spain.
Oh, wait... maybe he doesn't:
"That was what they said in the tape," Dean said. "They made that connection, I'm simply repeating it."
This is hypocrisy... if Al Qaida can be linked to Saddam now, why is it a stretch to say they were linked a year ago, when Saddam was still actively harboring and funding terrorists?

To wit
"The administration simply did not tell the truth about Iraq. The debate is not about whether we should fight terrorism. I supported the war in Afghanistan. . But fighting Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism." - Howard Dean